Ready to up your Social Media
You're in the right place!

Join me every Tuesday at 7:30pm inside of the Social Salon School Members group, where I share a lesson on Social Media marketing for Hairdressers, Beauty Therapists, Skin Professionals & Salon Owners.
These lessons help you have a better understanding of how to use Instagram for your business
Quick Lessons that you have 30 days to watch from the date they go up in the group.
Each week you will receive an email with all the lesson notes to print and keep forever.
All Lessons are hosted inside a Private Facebook Members Group
Learn all the latest, up to date Info on Instagram, Strategies & Tips for growing your audience and turning likes into clients.
My method of coaching is easy for salon owners who aren't social media savvy & turning them social media queens (and kings)
Receive Content Planning at the start of every month, with ideas of what to post, taking the thinking work away from you and spend more time working on your business, without having to worry about "what am I going to post"
Having weekly lessons, that are around 30 minutes long, make it easy for you to follow and best of all
they cost you the same price as your daily latte from the cafe!
I will share with you all the latest trends, how to create reels, apps you need, and all things Instagram Marketing for Salons!
Whether you're a brick & mortar salon, private studio, freelancer or salon owner who doesn't work on the salon floor.
This is for you!
Sign up for Month to Month, 6 Month or a Yearly Package

Wade, WAK the Salon
Nicole is like no other coach I have ever met.
Her knowledge for our Industry mixed with the ongoing changing social media side of business, is second to none.
I thought I knew my stuff until I started working with Nicole.
I have never looked back

Sandra, Dlush Hair
I look forward to your classes each week & excitedly wait for my weekly email!
Today you taught us about Hashtags and tried it tonight on my post and for the first time, saw a huge difference it made in my reach!
I'm actually getting interactions and the feedback I'm getting in salon is amazing!
It's become a huge talking post with my clients

Amy, Amy Prenc Hair
I have gained so much knowledge from the weekly lessons and 1:1 Coaching!
I am so glad I found Nicole, she explains things so clear and makes Instagram & finding your ideal client a breeze!
I have gained so many clients, fully booked for the rest of the year and now have a cancellation list full of brand new clients
Learn how to create your own
stand out branding
throughout all social platforms
Want to be better at Caption creation?
I'll teach you!
Hashtags confuse you?
Not sure which to use?
I got you covered!
Reels are so hot right now!
This is where you need to be on Instagram!
I'll show you how to create them and stand out!